If you are just getting started with ProCreate, I highly recommend this course: Procreate for Beginners: Digital Illustration 101 This class will teach you how to draw a female character from scratch!

Use code STRAYCURLS-10 to get a 10% discount! If you’re looking to improve your drawings faster and want to really draw as a hobby or even pick up drawing professionally, I highly recommend picking up this beautiful online course that teaches you how to draw female cartoon characters. I will be adding more hair drawing tutorials to this blog, so keep a lookout! You can check out my other posts on drawing hair over here. If you want to see more tutorials on hair and people, just leave a comment down below.

I have a post that you can read on how to find your art style You just have to get the shape right and draw a few lines in the direction of hair growth. One of the best parts about drawing in cartoon style is that you don’t need to complicate things by adding too much texture. Also, drawing with references helps! You can look at stock photos to see what shape of hair you want before you start drawing curls. I won’t go into detail about drawing the head because this post is mainly about hair. I’m going to start with a simple cartoon face and shoulders first since the hair is going to be quite long.